Election security by obscurity


A federal cybersecurity agency says a report by an expert who says he’s identified security vulnerabilities in voting machines used by Georgia and other states shouldn’t be made public until it has had time to assess and mitigate potential risks.

CISA said it would complete its “coordinated vulnerability disclosure” process as quickly as possible, but urged the judge not to release the report before it’s done, saying “premature disclosure of Dr. Halderman’s report, even in redacted form, could, in the event any vulnerabilities ultimately are identified, assist malicious actors and thereby undermine election security.”

Source: https://apnews.com/article/technology-georgia-atlanta-voting-elections-d4543623099fea5bf3633d0913532c11

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World tensions


Russia is threatening Eastern Europe. China is threatening India, The Far East, Taiwan. Iran is threatening The Middle East. Venezuale is communist, Niguragua is communist, Chile has just elected a far leftist, Peru has gone the same way so has Hunduras. ~ Trevor Loudon

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