Earl Stewie

In pursuit of truth, disclosure and friendship amongst all the lovely beings in the universe and abroad.

Phaeton crashed into Tiamat transforming it into Uraš


Phaeton was a remnant from a star going supernova in the constellation of Vela that crashed into Tiamat, transforming into Uraš, with Phaeton spinning off to become Venus.

Martian moons Phobos and Deimos could be captured fragments of the shattered Tiamat.

Phaeton is the son of the sun god Helios, who attempted to drive his father’s chariot but lost control, resulting in catastrophe.

The Upper Paleolithic period


The Upper Paleolithic period is a prehistoric era that occurred roughly 40,000 to 10,000 years ago. During this time, humans were primarily hunter-gatherers who relied on hunting and gathering for their survival.

One of the most significant archaeological findings from this period is evidence of belief in an afterlife.

The Chief Joseph Tablet


In 1877 the respected leader of the Nez Perce tribe surrendered to the U. S. Government. In his medicine purse he was carrying a clay tablet that dates back to 2042 B.C. in Assyria.

“Chief Joseph said that white men had come among his ancestors long ago, and had taught his people many things. His story echoes those told by Native Americans in both North and South America about white culture bringers. But in this case, Joseph had a souvenir to demonstrate the truth of his story.” ~ Mary Gindling of History Mysteries

8th century BCE


The populations of the Greeks, Romans, and Celts emerged during the 8th century BCE.

The ancient Greeks are known for worshiping a pantheon of gods and goddesses who were believed to have control over various aspects of life. Some of the most well-known Greek gods and goddesses include Zeus, Hera, Athena, Apollo, and Aphrodite. The exact nature of Greek religion varied between different regions and time periods, with different gods and goddesses being emphasized in different contexts.

The Romans also practiced a polytheistic religion, which was heavily influenced by earlier Greek religion. Some of the most important Roman gods and goddesses included Jupiter, Juno, Venus, Mars, and Mercury. As with Greek religion, the precise nature of Roman religion varied over time and between different regions.

The Celts, for their part, are known to have practiced a variety of different religious beliefs and practices, which were heavily influenced by earlier indigenous religions of Europe. Celtic religion was characterized by a belief in supernatural beings, including gods and goddesses, as well as various spirits and otherworldly entities. The exact nature of Celtic religion varied greatly between different regions and tribes, with different gods and goddesses being emphasized in different contexts.

Invasion of Egypt by Assyrians.

In terms of Greek mythology, the chronological order of gods would be: the primordial deities (such as Chaos and Gaia), the Titans (Cronus), and then the Olympians (Zeus).

Gaia was seen as the personification of the earth and was often associated with the sky god Uranus. Together they had twelve children who ruled the world before being overthrown by their own children, the Olympians.

Both Tiamat and Chaos were both considered primordial deities in their respective mythologies. Tiamat gave birth to the gods and monsters of Babylonian mythology, while Chaos was believed to be the source from which all other elements and beings were created in Greek mythology.

Anu and Cronus were both powerful sky gods in their respective mythologies. Anu was the father of the gods in Babylonian mythology. Cronos was the father of the Olympian gods, but he was also their greatest enemy.

Likewise, Antu was considered to be the mother of the gods in Babylonian mythology. Rhea was the mother of the Olympian gods.

Marduk shares some characteristics with the king of the Olympian gods Zeus.

Zoroastrianism: one of the world's older organized faiths


Zoroastrianism emerged in Persia (modern-day Iran) around 600 years BCE and has influenced some aspects of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, particularly in the areas of afterlife, judgment, angels, and the end of the world.

Zoroastrianism teaches that there is a cosmic struggle between the forces of good (represented by the god Ahura Mazda) and the forces of evil (represented by the demon Angra Mainyu or Ahriman). This dualistic worldview has been compared to the Christian concept of God and Satan, and the Jewish concept of yetzer hatov (inclination towards good) and the yetzer hara (inclination towards evil).

Decline of the Sumerian civilization


There is evidence of several major floods that have been proposed to have played a role in the decline of the Sumerian civilization. For example, sedimentary records from the Persian Gulf suggest that there were major floods in the Tigris and Euphrates river systems around 2800 BCE, which may have contributed to the decline of the Sumerian civilization. Other floods have been proposed to have occurred around 2100 BCE and 1700 BCE.



Dilmun, a.k.a. Sinai, the original site of the Sumerian creation beliefs.

“Dilmun was described in the saga of Enki and Ninhursag as pre-existing in paradisiacal state, where predators do not kill, pain and diseases are absent, and people do not get old.” source

A timeline of the major periods and events in the history of ancient Mesopotamia

Neolithic periodc. 10,000-4000 BCEThe earliest period of human settlement in Mesopotamia, characterized by the development of agriculture and the domestication of animals.
Ubaid periodc. 5300-3800 BCEThe period in which the first cities and urban centers emerged in Mesopotamia, including Eridu, Uruk, and Ur.
Sumerian civilizationc. 4000-2000 BCEThe period in which the Sumerians developed a system of writing, created some of the earliest forms of literature, and built large-scale infrastructure projects such as ziggurats.
Akkadian Empirec. 2334-2154 BCEThe period in which the Akkadian king Sargon the Great conquered Sumer and established the first empire in world history.
Third Dynasty of Urc. 2112-2004 BCEThe period in which the Sumerian city of Ur was the center of a large and powerful empire, known for its advancements in law, literature, and architecture.
Old Babylonian periodc. 2000-1600 BCEThe period in which the city of Babylon emerged as a major center of trade and culture, under rulers such as Hammurabi, who created the first legal code in history.
Assyrian Empirec. 1365-609 BCEThe period in which the Assyrians, based in the city of Ashur, created a vast empire that spanned much of the Middle East and was known for its military prowess and brutal tactics.
Neo-Babylonian Empirec. 626-539 BCEThe period in which the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the First Temple, as well as overseeing major building projects such as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
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