We use base 10 mathematics but the universe is geomatrically structured on base 3, 6, 9 and 12.
Morgellons? I don’t want microtechnology in my body.
Unmanned Aerial Systems
A federal cybersecurity agency says a report by an expert who says he’s identified security vulnerabilities in voting machines used by Georgia and other states shouldn’t be made public until it has had time to assess and mitigate potential risks.
CISA said it would complete its “coordinated vulnerability disclosure” process as quickly as possible, but urged the judge not to release the report before it’s done, saying “premature disclosure of Dr. Halderman’s report, even in redacted form, could, in the event any vulnerabilities ultimately are identified, assist malicious actors and thereby undermine election security.”
The United States government’s admission that it could not identify over 100 mysterious flying objects points to the existence of aliens, according to Christopher Mellon, the former Deputy Assistant Director of Defense.
“Reports submitted by the Director of National Intelligence said that we see no evidence that its from a foreign government, none of the instances of the 144 instances they identified could be explained by US classified resource programs, so that leaves you wondering then what hypothesis best fits the facts and frankly the alien hypothesis fits the facts,” Mellon said while appearing on Hill. TV’s “Rising.”
Last summer, the Director of National Intelligence released a report revealing that the government could not explain 143 out of 144 military encounters with unidentified flying objects.
Mellon said the government, including the Air Force, do not seem to know how to address the rising interest from lawmakers and the public regarding so-called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).
“This sudden interest after a half a century of disinterest on the part of the American people and the American public, this sudden surge of interest from Congress has got them it seems in a very awkward position and they seem to be struggling to determine what to say about it and how to say it and to whom,” he said.
There are still many questions that have yet to be answered, Mellon added, such as “how is this happening, why is this happening, and some of it is going to be why have you not been more forthcoming with this information and sharing this information?”
In a WikiLeaks mail leak she once said: “I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to…”.
This is also one thing that we should Assange be thankful for.
Corona Investigative Committee
That’s what learning is about
Benjamin Franklin: Founding Father to have signed all four of the key documents establishing the U.S.: the Declaration of Independence (1776), the Treaty of Alliance with France (1778), the Treaty of Paris establishing peace with Great Britain (1783) and the U.S. Constitution disclosed many of the secrets of Freemasonry to Thomas Paine.
In my memory Enlil and Enki were living behind these gates.
Edit 16 feb 22:
Russia is threatening Eastern Europe. China is threatening India, The Far East, Taiwan. Iran is threatening The Middle East. Venezuale is communist, Niguragua is communist, Chile has just elected a far leftist, Peru has gone the same way so has Hunduras. ~ Trevor Loudon
Explanation by my favorite internet privacy guy Rob Braxman about the differences between search engines.
(Give it some time to load)
A study just out shows that as we get older, our DNA changes. A lot.
When a god plans harm against a man, he first damages the mind of the man he is plotting against.
Lyrians also Annunaki from Orion
Scroll to 8:10
Ik wil dat mijn brein niet verbonden is met een computer!
I do not want my brain connected to a computer!
אני לא רוצה שהמוח שלי מחובר למחשב!
Ego cerebrum computatorie connexum nolo!
Mina angifuni ingqondo yami ixhunywe kukhompuyutha!
Scroll to 12:03 🙈
This video is about a US-company called Plasma Kinetics that proposes a promising new solid hydrogen storage mechanism.
Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say.
Edward Snowden
The reason science is our best hope for truth is that it takes into account our shortcomings and tries to correct them. … And so I would also say that the democratic constitutional state is our best hope to curb some of our moral shortcomings. … And precisely because people with power and interests will not always tell the truth, it is important that there is a free press that attempts to expose those lies.
Tim Fransen
Corey talks about the appearance of the New Guardians at a “secret meeting” of the ICC. The New Guardians came to deliver a message to the ICC and to the Dark Fleet.
Everyone who was present began to clasp their hands to their heads as the AI god signal was blocked from their nanites and implants.
“the belief that reality is identical with divinity, or that all-things compose an all-encompassing, immanent god”
Only by standing together can humanity free itself from the Dark-E.T. tyranny.
As I undersrand it, researchers distinguish five personality traits:
- Extrovert vs introvert
- Compassionate vs self interested
- Organized vs careless
- Emotionally stable vs neurotic
- Curious vs cautious
… and Def P a national treasure!
This tremendous energy map is on its way!
I recall seeing this video on but don’t recall the title of the article. 50 boxes of ballots unloaded at the Detroit TCF voting center on the morning of November 4th at 3:30.
Edit 2024-02-22
This fantastic video illustrates that humans are very closely related and most likely a product of natural evolution from the ape.
“The record for the farthest distance that humans have traveled goes to the all-American crew of the famous Apollo 13 shuttle, who were 400,171 kilometers (248,655 miles) away from Earth on April 14, 1970.”
Rules out we owe our consciousness to 5G or a machine hidden on Earth. Makes believe everyone holds their own conscious, that it spreads through conversation.
60 years in the making, through election fraud, news deception and murder.
Some months ago right when all the hell broke loose on me this car drove through my street. When I visited the site and two other related domains they suddenly all went down (double checked with third party). I’m thinking someone spying on my company laptop would like me to not know their affiliation.
Nostra aetate was a wonderful initiative ♥️
Archons have not only set foot in Babylon. Human nature, spirit and creativity is under threat in Asia too.
Countries who voted in favor:
Take note: not my work, opinions may differ.
Article 16 of the Constitution for the Kingdom of the Netherlands
E.T.s might not have the best intentions. And when Seth has you on his radar, sometimes it’s good to firmly say “NO”.