Earl Stewie

In pursuit of truth, disclosure and friendship amongst all the lovely beings in the universe and abroad.

A timeline of the major periods and events in the history of ancient Mesopotamia

Neolithic periodc. 10,000-4000 BCEThe earliest period of human settlement in Mesopotamia, characterized by the development of agriculture and the domestication of animals.
Ubaid periodc. 5300-3800 BCEThe period in which the first cities and urban centers emerged in Mesopotamia, including Eridu, Uruk, and Ur.
Sumerian civilizationc. 4000-2000 BCEThe period in which the Sumerians developed a system of writing, created some of the earliest forms of literature, and built large-scale infrastructure projects such as ziggurats.
Akkadian Empirec. 2334-2154 BCEThe period in which the Akkadian king Sargon the Great conquered Sumer and established the first empire in world history.
Third Dynasty of Urc. 2112-2004 BCEThe period in which the Sumerian city of Ur was the center of a large and powerful empire, known for its advancements in law, literature, and architecture.
Old Babylonian periodc. 2000-1600 BCEThe period in which the city of Babylon emerged as a major center of trade and culture, under rulers such as Hammurabi, who created the first legal code in history.
Assyrian Empirec. 1365-609 BCEThe period in which the Assyrians, based in the city of Ashur, created a vast empire that spanned much of the Middle East and was known for its military prowess and brutal tactics.
Neo-Babylonian Empirec. 626-539 BCEThe period in which the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the First Temple, as well as overseeing major building projects such as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
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